Block Lecture 2023 : International Business
In the current situation with intense competition conducting business between countries becomes more complicated due to factors that influence both inside and outside the country regardless of rapid changes in cultural, social, and economic volatility, political instability, prosperity, technological advancement and trade liberalization of countries in various regions. Inevitably affects business operations either positively or negatively. That is difficult for businesses to control or avoid. Therefore, to do international business successfully, entrepreneurs need to study the environment to be able to adapt to the changes under such circumstances
Thus, to make the students learn about International Business, International College invites Prof. Dr Wolfgang Lukas, from Hochschule Bremerhaven – University of Applied Sciences, Germany, to give the block lecture for 1st-year students, which is a part of the “International Business” subject on 11-18 January 2023.
What you will learn:
- Concepts of internationalization of the companies
- Personal development and managerial control in international business
- Salaries in an international perspective
- International Cooperation and International Teams
- Organizational and individual behavior in international business
In addition, he will give a special lecture focused “Wind Energy” that will be a part of Environmental for life subject for 2nd students also.